Operation Year of Organization: January – Living Room

Welcome to #OperationYearofOrganization! I’m so excited for this series for a number of reasons, but the biggest is that we’re all going to enjoy the wonderful feeling of actually getting our homes organized this year! No more new year’s resolutions that fall through. No more getting exhausted and worn out trying to tackle it all in a matter of a few weeks or months. No more giving up halfway through only to have to start all over again next year.

This will be the year your house gets organized – and stays that way!

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Setting Goals for the First Time and My Word for 2016

2016 is officially here, and I can’t express how amped up I am for it! I honestly can’t remember a time I felt better prepared or more energized to take on a new year.

Want to know a secret? I’ve never made New Year’s Resolutions or set goals for the new year before! Seriously! Never! I have made goals from time to time without it being specific to the new year, but when it came to the entire year’s goals, I always figured I’d make impossibly long lists that could never be accomplished, I’d fail early on like I’d watched so many others before me do, and then I’d give up by February. Continue reading