Make Over Your Mornings – Day 1 Blog Along

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Good morning! I’m so excited to get started on this 14 day course with you! If you haven’t snagged a copy yet, head on over to Make Over Your Mornings to get yours now so you can follow along with us. The workbook that comes with it is invaluable – not to mention the personal videos you get to watch each day featuring Money Saving Mom‘s very own Crystal Paine.

Have your copy and ready to start changing your life? LET’S GO!

I love the short videos Crystal put together for each day of the course. It gives you the sense that she’s right there with you, every step of the way. She’s also put loads of time into the accompanying workbook. It’s packed with the meat of the course, and worth its weight in gold.

When it comes to the workbook, I know many people have either printed it out at home or taken it in to places like Office Max or Kinko’s and had it printed. I’m an old-fashioned pen and paper kind of gal, and I know that, for me, I remember so much more and apply so much more when I write it down. So, I grabbed myself a notebook and pen and kept notes from each day. Also, if you do it that way, you can save money when it comes to the printer because you only need to then print the six worksheets at the back of the workbook. Find what works for you, and do it.

In the video, Crystal mentions the need to commit to following through this course. I can’t stress how very important that is! We can’t expect things to change if we don’t take the steps to make it happen. You wouldn’t set out for vacation with your road map (or GPS, man, I’m old!) and simply toss it out (turn it off) halfway through the trip expecting to magically arrive at your destination without incident. Similarly, if you don’t continue with the course, you can’t expect that your life will change.

I’ll be here with you the entire way. There’s a community of people in the Facebook group that have gone through or are going through the course as well. And there are others following right here on this very blog. So, we’re all in this together! Stick with it, and you won’t regret it. And, if you ever feel the need for extra encouragement or motivation to continue, I’m more than happy to help! Just shoot me a message. Together, we’ll get you through!

When I first went through this course, it was during the summer. The kids were sleeping in (hooray!), so it made it possible for me to get more out of my mornings because it allowed more quiet time for me while they slept. Now that they’re back in school and getting up at 7:00 everyday, it has shortened my morning time by about an hour or so. I’m hoping to build up to waking up earlier than 6, but that’s going to take some dedication to going to bed earlier than I do now. Baby steps.

I have to laugh when I look back at my notes because the time I selected for doing the course was 7:30 am. I had decided that I would start getting up at 6:00 since I usually just slept until the kids woke up. Being the summer, that gave me a whole two hours to myself! Do you know what that feels like?! I can’t remember the last time I even had thirty minutes to myself, let alone two insanely large, glorious hours! But, even though I’d set my wake time for 6, I set my course time for 7:30.

Let me tell you why that didn’t work. Quite simply, life happens. If I’ve already gone through an hour and a half of my day, stopping that momentum to sit down and work this program wasn’t plausible. Mix that in with the fact that, inevitably, if I plan something, a child or more will wake up early (which is exactly what happened on Day Two). The combination just made for an unrealistic expectation. I’m good at those unrealistic expectations, by the way. You?

I found that working through the course first thing in the morning really worked best for me because it was uninterrupted time that I could focus on getting the most out of it. So, after further evaluation, I set my course time for 6:15. That gave me enough time to wake up, get a pot of coffee started, and get my laptop and notebook open and ready to go.

Obviously, if you’re not getting up before the kiddos or husband or roommate or -insert distraction here-, first thing in the morning might not work for you. You may choose nap time, or after everyone’s gone to bed, or your 15 minute break at work. Whatever time you choose, just make sure it’s complete focus time.

Also, as we work our way through the course, you’ll discover that a lot of success in life comes from developing routines. I know, I know. You free spirits are ready to power down the computer and tell me where to stick it. I’m not saying you have to post-it note schedule your every move the rest of your life. What I am saying, though, is that you have to develop certain routines so that you’re free to do as you please in the other empty slots you don’t plan out. Setting a time every day to do the course and sticking to it is a great way to start a healthy habit. It’s also going to lend you to success in this course.

No matter what time you set, please don’t forget that setbacks are normal. Susie is going to wake up with the flu and blow your morning routine out of the water at some point. Your friend is going to get a flat on the way to work and need you to come rescue them. While I’ve been writing this, I’ve had to break continuously to wake kids up for school, herd into showers, get breakfasts, and kindly remind that the bus is indeed coming and will indeed leave without them if they aren’t ready. Different day, same routine.

The point is, life is going to happen and steer you to the side road for brief intervals, and that’s okay. I think the biggest thing I could say to you while going through this course, and life itself, is to give yourself grace. It’s hard. You could even call me a bit of a hypocrite for saying it myself. I’m learning, and you will, too. Together, we’ll give one another grace as we learn to give it to ourselves. Remember, we’re our own worst critic. Life isn’t perfect, and neither are we, and that’s quite alright.

I’ll be back here tomorrow with my experiences and thoughts from Day Two! And don’t forget, if you still haven’t gotten your hands on a copy of the Make Over Your Mornings e-course, you can do that here.

So tell me, what time have you chosen to work through this course?

12 thoughts on “Make Over Your Mornings – Day 1 Blog Along

  1. Thanks for blogging through this course! I just started Day 1 today. 😉 My goal is to do each day’s lesson around 7am, while the house is still sleeping and I’ve finished with my morning Bible study. I appreciate the accountability and community here!


  2. I am back and forth about what my time to start should be. It is just me and my husband at the moment. I was wondering if I should wake up before my husband heads to work or start after he leaves for work? I have been back and forth about this for a while. I would like to start getting up earlier in the mornings to make my day productive! But I am ready to start this course again! I think it will definitely help me when I start having a family too 🙂


    • An idea would be to start getting up when your husband does. If you talked to him about it, he might be willing to wake a little earlier so that you two can have a few minutes together each day before he heads to work to enjoy a cup of coffee or breakfast. When I started the program this summer, I was able to inspire my husband to get up thirty minutes earlier so we could exercise together and have a cup of coffee. Just that extra 30 min together in the mornings make our days so much more enjoyable. Then, by the time he leaves, I’m alert and awake and ready to start my day. And you will definitely pat yourself on the back later in life when you have kids! Haha Already having a routine set that gets you up and going before children will do wonders for you.


      • Thanks for the advice Crystal! I was thinking about getting up around the same time my husband does which is around 6:30. He is more cheerful early in the morning than I am but I do treasure those moments we have together. Usually he drinks his coffee and has breakfast watching the local news. I will bring up the subject of exercise to him early in the morning to see what he thinks! I also notice how alert I am when I wake up early and get some stuff done around the house. This might mean I need to go to bed sooner and not stay up reading so late! I think what this course has shown me is that my life lacks routine and how beneficial it can be to have one! I want to be able to start my day productive and happy!


      • That sounds like a perfect plan, Stephanie! I’m a sucker for staying up late in a good book. I used to stay up all night at times and read straight through! Developing a routine and forcing yourself to have a “bed time” (never thought we’d have that as adults, did we?!) will make a profound difference. Plus, throughout the course you’ll find ways to get that reading time in during the day instead of having to sacrifice sleep for it instead. So glad you’re coming along with us!


  3. Waking up earlier than my kids (7 & 13) is very difficult. Their wake up time start 5:30 am in order to catch the bus st about 6:40 am and 7 am. The other factor is my husband schedule. He works 2nd shift and has to sleep until about 10:30 am to get enough sleep. So as of right now I have 7:15 am to do the course, but after that can only do quiet things or errands for 3 hours, which makes it difficult to get things accomplished.


    • Oh how I don’t look forward to those early early morning bus rides. We’ll be there in two years, and I can assure you, I won’t be getting up before them either. The great news is, the time between them getting on the bus and your husband waking is ample time for you to focus on things for yourself, even if you do have to go about it quietly. 😉 Sometimes, a little rearranging of our schedule or habits can turn that time from frustrating to successful. I’m glad to have you along! Let’s see how we can make this course the most beneficial for you and your life!


  4. I started this course a few months ago and never made it through. I have been trying to get up around 5:30 but that hasn’t quite stuck yet. I tried doing the course on my lunch break at work but it only lasted a few days. Looks like I need to try first thing in the morning after my workout. I would say time would be 7 am.


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